Stranger smiles 1

Yesterday I walked by a busy road.
I had had a bad day.
The breakfast was not good, the kids were unhappy about the tiffin, the husband got late for a meeting, the maid didn't turn up, the lift was not working.. Phew!
The walk was a breather. Amongst the crowd I was lonely. That's the way with things no? The more you are surrounded the more lonely you are?  More than loneliness, there was a sense of emptiness. A lack of purpose. I couldn't figure out why I was walking to where I was walking? What was the objective of my walk? What would I achieve out of it?
I took a moment to stand and look at the lasser bys. One female who seemed to be walking in her reverie seemed of interest. She was walking just the way I was a few moments ago. Like some cosmic connect, she looked up, and smiled. Like she understood. Like she knew what I was thinking. For a brief instant we felt like we read each others thoughts. Her smile never faded. I noticed mine too was spreading.
We crossed paths. What stayed with me, For the rest of the day was a strangers smile. That small innocent play of lips which made my otherwise unbearable day so much lighter and livable.


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