
Showing posts from September, 2019

The illusionary dream

I am an Indian and I care for my country! If I don't say it enough, I might just forget it. I live in a democracy, oh my God, did I just say it? History taught me britishers played divide and rule. Social media taught me, then and now, we follow the same rule. We are known to Find solutions, hey wait, I am talking about tax evasions. I swear about every issue in my country, I worry. Cleaning the streets, teaching the slums.. Hush, what's the hurry! A Mc donalds in my country is celebrated, The local vadapav guy shut shop, is seldom noted. Zara, mango, Gucci, Armani..we are tolerant to all. I got a dress stitched by my naani, am Ashamed to show it at all. My forests are fast depleting, my rivers are fast getting choked.. This is trivia. The country is fast developing, let no one fool you at all. I love my country, pls don't get me wrong. It's just the way we are. Obviously, it's just the way we are, which is why we are where we are. If governments

Sides of the same coin..

I always knew my son was on the wrong path.. I always reasoned with him, I begged him to stop. He said his fight was for the right and he did not care about his plight. I gave up on him, I did not give up on hope. I prayed every single day when death came to him, let it be swift. Swift it was, broken into million pieces. The world knew about it. What they didn't know of, was the million deaths I died. I always knew my son was on the right path. I still reasoned with him, begged him to stop. I told him the war was not ours. He said this war was for the right and he just had hours. I gave up on him, I did not give up on hope. I prayed every single day, when death came to him, let it be swift. Swift it was, broken into million pieces. The world knew about it. What they didn't know of, was the million deaths I died. Terriorism is a collective failure of politics and politicians, the price of which is paid by millions.

Stranger smiles 1

Yesterday I walked by a busy road. I had had a bad day. The breakfast was not good, the kids were unhappy about the tiffin, the husband got late for a meeting, the maid didn't turn up, the lift was not working.. Phew! The walk was a breather. Amongst the crowd I was lonely. That's the way with things no? The more you are surrounded the more lonely you are?  More than loneliness, there was a sense of emptiness. A lack of purpose. I couldn't figure out why I was walking to where I was walking? What was the objective of my walk? What would I achieve out of it? I took a moment to stand and look at the lasser bys. One female who seemed to be walking in her reverie seemed of interest. She was walking just the way I was a few moments ago. Like some cosmic connect, she looked up, and smiled. Like she understood. Like she knew what I was thinking. For a brief instant we felt like we read each others thoughts. Her smile never faded. I noticed mine too was spreading. We crossed