
Showing posts from March, 2011

I am not a fighter..

I wake up every day, to find a new purpose, I question everyday, to what is the rush? I am being pushed everyday, to move forward, The wind is blowing other way, to push me backward. I like the wind, I submit to it. I am a failure and they say, thats it. They say I am not a fighter, I say, I want a mind, which is lighter. I so hate to manage financials.. I so love the chime bells.. I love the nothingness.. A mind filled with blankness.. Every touch evokes so many feelings.. Eveything is old, with a new meaning. Every moment counts, When I dont count. Every moment is lived, when I am not livid. Moments are trickling by,The world is passing by. I am a spectator, watching everything go by. There is some fun in standing still.. when the world is spinning on the wheel. I stand there and see the time change. The weather changing colors, fauna changing range. New faces go old, new books being fold. Some characters give in, some are bold. On my window though, nothing changes. Once a fail

Leh Trip for me

Everybody makes checklists for life..things that they want to do, places that they want to go.. I too have a checklist and Ladakh did not feature in it for good 30 years of my life. I went to Ladakh..and I came back. Almost a year down the line, I realise what the trip actually was. It was something that I could have never made a checklist for, because it demands a kind of vision I never had. The terrain is difficult for sure. The height, the roads,the weather – none of it is easy to the slightest extent. More dangerously, it is unpredictable, something that urban educated workers are not used to. We are so used to planning things on excel sheet, that it is almost difficult to understand as to why the road has broken down? How can mm of rains get towns crashing? Why are roads so difficult to make on perfectly flat plains? How come within kms, the green turns to brown? Most impotantly – To travel to Ladakh you need TIME and HEALTH. This combination, to say the least is a rare one. On