
Haunting Questions

A hug sometimes to comfort me, sometimes to comfort yourself.  A gentle squeeze of hand sometimes to give me confidence, sometimes to yourself. A shared silence where you know you are close. So much gets lost in the name of "responsibility". Can I be "irresponsible" then? Why is intimacy only physical? Why can't it transcend to emotional? Where do I derive strength from ? Physical or emotional or responsible?

Window sill stories...

From my window sill, the world is still passing by. Two hands still hold out today.  One promises of exciting times but can never tell me when will it appear again. One promises of a dull life but is always there when I fail. A sea of emotions was once falling on me.  The waves were crashing on hopes of an exciting future...the hand held out..mine. No one came to save. I swam past it. The hand appeared again, in another time when the water was less turbulent...but I couldn't dare to hold out the hand again..mine.  The road was winding down the mountains.  There was no obvious wind, no immediate danger around.  I never held out a hand, I couldn't dare ofcourse.  A hand appeared though..and it just does always..even when I don't ask for it.  It walks beside me, not making itself necessary but being away from unnecessary.

The Seasons..

 "My teacher said that there are three prominent seasons which we can experience in Kolkata. Summer, Winter and Monsoon. But what about Autumn and Spring?" .. The heat of summer, the chill of winter and the rains of monsoon are physical experiences. But autumn and spring are emotional experiences. The falling leaves of autumn are like a drive through memory lane, of everything lost in the journey of life, which still brings a smile to your face. Only your heart knows that in the hidden memory of the autumn leaves, there are conversations in which a lot was lost and still so much was found. The "sharad aakash" is hope of good old times coming back. Of Ma coming back. Of meeting with that old crush. Of last few days of warmth. That pristine azure blue sky with floating shards of white cotton clouds is the memory of shared ice creams and cotton candies. Its the symbol of old meeting with the new. The spring is a season of victory, of having survived the harsh winter

The Handsome Definition

It's movie night tonight and after ages we have decided to indulge into some romance. After 8 long years of watching animations and child centric movies, I seriously crave for some good old-causing-butterfly-in-my tummies type of romance. The practical aspects of life simply wipe off the wonder element from relationships, leaving me with the only option to drool over some virtual distance , third party romance. It's nice to see the lead actors wealthy, indulging each other in extravagant gifts, the desperate kisses and wistful goodbyes. Dreamily staring at the screen I speak to myself "this guy is really handsome!". Almost after a minutes' pause my companion for the movie, a young girl of 8, asks me innocently, "Why do you find him handsome?". I wonder how silly is that comment, how can she not see the broad shoulders, the height, the poise, the charming demeanour..the et all of the knight in shining armour? I restrain the line of thought into a statm

The Corona Era

Its been a sultry hot day and all I can think of is lemonade and hitting on my console to finish the game that I have kept on turn based mode, but that has to wait, it seems. I have a Happiness Quotient test tomorrow and need to study some historical events to just find the missing neuron burst to get the perfect score. I plug my sensors to the system and pick up the dated sheets of papers which were then called " Books ". The program has directed me to page titled 2020. Its a weird sensation feeling the pages and the hand movement is definitely consuming more effort than clicking pages in my system, but the program insists on doing this exercise. Apparently, it is recording the reactions. I try to sneak up to the Emotion Meter flashing on my screen, but don't really understand the maze of lines and bars. Grudgingly I turn to reading the contents of the page. Apparently, in 2020, world faced a challenge called Novel Coronavirus. Immediately my program screen flashes giv

The illusionary dream

I am an Indian and I care for my country! If I don't say it enough, I might just forget it. I live in a democracy, oh my God, did I just say it? History taught me britishers played divide and rule. Social media taught me, then and now, we follow the same rule. We are known to Find solutions, hey wait, I am talking about tax evasions. I swear about every issue in my country, I worry. Cleaning the streets, teaching the slums.. Hush, what's the hurry! A Mc donalds in my country is celebrated, The local vadapav guy shut shop, is seldom noted. Zara, mango, Gucci, Armani..we are tolerant to all. I got a dress stitched by my naani, am Ashamed to show it at all. My forests are fast depleting, my rivers are fast getting choked.. This is trivia. The country is fast developing, let no one fool you at all. I love my country, pls don't get me wrong. It's just the way we are. Obviously, it's just the way we are, which is why we are where we are. If governments

Sides of the same coin..

I always knew my son was on the wrong path.. I always reasoned with him, I begged him to stop. He said his fight was for the right and he did not care about his plight. I gave up on him, I did not give up on hope. I prayed every single day when death came to him, let it be swift. Swift it was, broken into million pieces. The world knew about it. What they didn't know of, was the million deaths I died. I always knew my son was on the right path. I still reasoned with him, begged him to stop. I told him the war was not ours. He said this war was for the right and he just had hours. I gave up on him, I did not give up on hope. I prayed every single day, when death came to him, let it be swift. Swift it was, broken into million pieces. The world knew about it. What they didn't know of, was the million deaths I died. Terriorism is a collective failure of politics and politicians, the price of which is paid by millions.