
Showing posts from September, 2015

Future to a Happy Employee

I often see people around me complaining about the kind of people that they are working with. Almost everyone seems to be dissatisfied with the organizational set-up or thinks that he is forced to accept far more inferior people as their superior. Organisations today are built on the principle of “Ram Rajya”. Set of rules defining the system machinery. Rules being more important than individual ambitions. I have read that Ram studied both the masculine way of leadership (No rules, creative freedom) and feminine way of leadership (Rigid Rules) before deciding on his way of governing an empire. His principles were to form very strong laws. Get very strong leaders to ensure that the law was adhered to. The leader itself being supremely responsible for the failure of the system and also a role model of the system. Therein lied the fallacy of the ram rajya. It could sustain up to the extent of peoples ambition and as long as the belief in honesty and inner peace appealed to people. Once,

Travel Sojourns’

Travel is one of the most sought after escapade for people all around me. I am tempted to pen my 2 thoughts on how this important “escape” has changed in meaning with the changing phases of life. As a kid, I have  travelled a lot, and none by own design. The place was decided by my parents and so were all the arrangements. I just had to follow the itinerary. I don’t have exclusive memories of whether I have enjoyed those vacations or not..but I do have memories of the places I have am assuming that I must have enjoyed travelling back as a kid as well. These vacations were all about spending time with parents which otherwise was difficult when your father has to struggle to set up his business. The location, activity, FB quotient of the destination or the photographic opportunities didn’t matter. What mattered was spending time together. As I grew into a young lady, travel turned into business trips and accumulating air miles. “Living out of airport” was (i assume