
Showing posts from July, 2015

Corporate Rat Life..

Vedas have propagated different stages of life – all have a meaning and each one of them sets stage for the next stage. Skipping one and jumping to another, is but a natural human tendency. However, I feel that the beauty lies in going through the stages. Helps appreciate what you had, and what you have, so much more. Ending my corporate career after a decade of being in the rat race. While this does not mean the end of my earning capacity or my retirement by a long shot, it assumes significance in terms of the way life will be going forward. I do firmly believe that one needs to be a part of the rat race. You need to have run the race, fretted it out, frustrated yourself, and triumphed in your little glories. Only once you have done that do you begin to realize that you are tiring out. That the race no longer excites you. That falling in rat traps is coming at a price. That there is no FINAL triumph. Each one of us does reach this stage or will reach this stage, but it is impor