
Showing posts from August, 2011

The thing about happiness...

The thing about happiness is that it makes you take yourself easy. Something so simple, which most normal human beings, take deep pride in complicating. Fretting over everything, confused about the options, trying to decide the path of your life, figuring out the moment you will die - We find some deep pleasure in doing all of this. I do too. I have even gone to the extent of planning my death speech and checking from the abyss how people would respond to my death. Better still, I have even felt sad about the fact that a particular person xyz will not cry over my dead body! All at the expense of the moment, which was waiting for me to be made my own. There are very few moments, like now, when I feel that the moment that I am in now, is all that I will ever have. It feels good. It feels good to feel your body, hear your heartbeats, submit to the stillness.It feels good to have a hearty meal (now yes, I did fret over planning the meal), jog in the park, feel the rains, just let yoursel